Domestic Violence Injunctions
Pensacola, Florida Spousal Abuse Lawyer
In the event that you become a victim of abuse, or have reasonable cause to believe that you are in danger of becoming a victim, Florida law can protect you and your children from your spouse. Frequently, this is done by obtaining a Domestic Violence Injunction, also known as an Injuction for Protection Against Domestic Violence. To clarify, an Injunction for Protection Against Domestic Violence is basically a document from the court that either:
Orders the Abuser to STOP Certain Acts:
- First, it prevents the abuser from entering the home.
- Second, it forces the abuser to pay temporary child support.
- Third, it prevents the abuser from contacting or coming near you.
Gives the Abused Certain Rights:
- It grants temporary custody of your children.
- Allows for referral to a local shelter or treatment center.
- It can include other rights that the Judge believes are necessary.
Once obtained, the abuser is subject to arrest for violating this document in any way.
How Do I File or Obtain a Domestic Violence Injunction?
To begin, get the process started by filling out a petition, a form with some basic information, and submitting it to the Florida family law courts. The form asks for information about you, where you live and work, information about the person against whom you are filing the injunction. Keep in mind, in cases of harassment, stalking or other problems with strangers you may not have all the information—and that’s okay.
Can a Domestic Violence Injunction Protect Me in My Home?
A Domestic Violence Injunction CAN protect you in your home. This includes cases where the property is owned jointly WITH, or SOLEY BY the person against whom the injunction is filed. To do so, there are certain standards that must be met to grant you temporary exclusive use and possession of the home. These include having no another viable place to stay, or not having the financial means to leave the home.
Pensacola Domestic Violence Injunction Lawyer
In short, if you have questions about filing a Domestic Violence Injunction, we can help. Craig Vigodsky also answers questions about what happens next, or need help filing for divorce. Don’t hesitate, call 850-912-8520 or contact us online today.