Reasons run the gamut for why spouses divorce but infidelity remains one of the most common grounds. While it can be volatile in a marriage, it rarely affects the outcome of a divorce case in Florida like many people might think.

Infidelity in Florida

Florida is a no-fault divorce state, like many others in the United States. No fault means that the spouse who files for divorce does not have to prove any fault on the part of the other spouse. Additionally, it means infidelity rarely impacts the outcome of the divorce. All a spouse must do is give any reason that the state accepts to grant a divorce, such as “irreconcilable differences.”

Effects in Child Custody

Parents typically negotiate an agreement on child custody before going to court. If not, Florida courts consider many factors but usually decide based on a child’s “bests interests.” Child custody affects parenting time, visitation schedules and who becomes the primary caretaker. Many actions by a parent can impact a child’s well-being. However, infidelity rarely gets taken into consideration. But if the court finds infidelity affects the moral fitness of a parent, then the result may be less parenting time.

Effects in Alimony

In certain divorce cases, alimony or spousal support may be awarded by the court to the innocent spouse in the marriage. Infidelity only affects alimony, if the couple’s assets supported the affair. This may include trips, gifts and other financial support. The court determines the need and the ability to pay before making its ruling.

Craig Vigodsky Can Help with Your Divorce!

Craig Vigodsky can provide you with effective representation in a divorce. His extensive legal experience allows him to answers your questions about infidelity or others you may have. Call us today, so we can get to the brass tax of your case!