As a former state prosecutor and a practicing Pensacola family law attorney with more than 17 years of experience, Craig Vigodsky has helped thousands of clients resolve thousands of disputes. This experience has lent him extensive knowledge in his field. Whether you have questions about divorce, child custody, and support, criminal defense, or need some legal advice, Craig A. Vigodsky can help.
Craig A. Vigodsky, P.A., represents clients throughout the Florida Panhandle in these and other legal matters:
- Family law, including divorce, child custody, and support, paternity, modifications of orders, and relocation
- Criminal defense, including DUI defense, felony, and misdemeanor criminal defense as well as juvenile crime defense
- Domestic violence, including representation for victims of violence who need domestic violence injunctions (restraining orders), as well as defense against domestic violence charges when appropriate
What is Domestic Violence in Florida?
Domestic violence in Florida wreaks havoc on its victims. The best way to avoid adding to the suffering and misery it brings is to educate...
Infidelity in Divorce Cases Rarely Affects Outcome
Reasons run the gamut for why spouses divorce but infidelity remains one of the most common grounds. While it can be volatile in a...
Aggravated Assault or Battery in Florida Carries Severe Penalties
The State of Florida’s description of domestic violence includes definitions for assault, aggravated assault, battery and aggravated...
Refusing a Breathalyzer Test in Florida Still Can Carry Penalties
Refusing a breathalyzer test after being pulled over can still lead to a conviction for DUI. A myriad of other factors indicate whether...
A Minor in Possession of Alcohol in Florida Carries Severe Consequences
An arrest of a minor in possession of alcohol can have grave consequences on a young person’s future. Understand how Florida defines this...
What to Expect in Mediation
Choosing mediation to settle a dispute or controversy allows you to avoid the expenses and time involved in taking your case to court. A...
Alimony Part II: Types of Spousal Support
During the dissolution of a marriage, one party may be left at a significant financial disadvantage. In some cases, the court may award...
Alimony: What are Your Options?
Alimony may be awarded to either party during the pendency of a divorce. Different types of alimony include bridge-the-gap,...
How a Relocation Petition Affects Co-Parenting
Relocation is a change in location of the principal residence by a parent. To be officially considered relocation, the new location must...
Shared Parental Responsibility
The courts in Florida are now requiring plans for shared parental responsibility when making child custody decisions. New terminology and...